Thursday, September 3, 2009

Experiencing a Place of Pure Potentiality

Day 4 of 31 Days to Fulfillment!

This morning during meditation Jesus and I went into the Akashic records and took a look at my records. There are a few things that I have been putting off because they are, in my mind, too painful to deal with. Which means I am living from a source of fear where these issues/situations are concerned.

I noted that as I spoke with Jesus about them I felt no fear, no anxiousness, no dread, no anxiety whatsoever - no pain. The situations just "were." I asked Jesus about this. He explained to me that my painful emotions were my human perception of the situation - my human ego based interpretation. He assured me that when I move back into my physical surroundings of the physical world, He is still with me and the feelings I have concerning these situations are my choice - choose fear, pain and anxiety or love and opportunity.

In that place of Pure Potentiality, the space of Infinite Possibility, I discovered serenity, a One-ness with the Universe - One-ness with God, a place of "being-ness" - a place of bliss. It was then that I could truly appreciate, acknowledge and accept the perfection of the situations. It
was then that I caught a glimpse of the opportunity that the situations provided to me to evolve.

After experiencing the situations from a basis of love, I can now move forward using this "opportunity" to transform a once painful situation to one of something new, beautiful and fulfilling.

As a human I need that experience of love to draw from. As a spiritual being understanding and existing as Pure Potentiality, the love source is the natural state.

I now set the intention to exist as Pure Potentiality, living from a source of love. I acknowledge the physical world teachings and bless them on their way...

My heart is of love, free, uncluttered, accepting and joyful - Pure Potentiality...

The conditionings and teachings of the physical world are strong. Have you looked within to discern what is true for you? Today, in this moment, can you move into that place of Pure Potentiality? How long can you stay there? Clearly it is a much better place to be when compared to the struggles, friction pain and fear of following the conditionings of the physical
world. What is your choice?

May your truth be clear and your choices be strong.

In love and light,

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