Day 11 of 31 Days to Fulfillment!
When you look at your life of today, what do you see? Does it look the way you really want it to be? What do you feel is missing? More importantly how did you get here?
We all got to where we are today, in this moment, by making choices. It isn't about what someone else did to us, said about us, or even thought about us - the dreaded "what will others think?" We are living the life we are living because we created it through our thoughts, beliefs and actions - our choices.
At times when we review our lives, we will feel pangs of regret or guilt. Not good to have the feelings, but wonderful that we recognize them. When we identify these feelings, forgiving ourselves is in order.
Forgiveness of others is important, but forgiving ourselves is crucial to moving from a state of fear to one of love - both forms of forgiveness must be completed. Lets face it, if we are harboring guilt and regret over something we've done or didn't do, we are continuing to create fear and negative energy around the life situation or person.
Take a look at your life again, any feelings of regret or guilt? Do you see anything that requires you to forgive yourself for in order to move on? If so, sit quietly, breathe deeply and go through the process of forgiving yourself completely for the life event. Then breathe deeply and embrace the gratitude of lightening your load! Move on with your life guilt and regret free!
May you see the limitlessness that is you!
In love and light,
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