Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Real Affects of Shifting Energy!

Day 7 of 31 Days to Fulfillment!

Two weeks ago my daughter, Jess, and I rearranged furniture, threw out things that no longer serve us and re-initiated feng shui in my home. If you read the last Soul Kisses newsletter of August 24, 2009, you know that we also rearranged my husband’s office while he was away. All ended well… he loved his office – and he built new shelves for my office closet!

Then I began my quest of 31 Days to Fulfillment program. The shifting of so much energy from material possessions around the house to my spiritual essence within has opened the way for a plethora of creativity just in time for Mercury to go into retrograde.

I made my list of things to finish during this retrograde time frame and I’m very excited to complete each item.

Each one of these past six days on my fulfillment program has revealed exciting information and guidance to the next step of my life and my work. Mercury going into retrograde comes at a perfect time to complete the old and make way for the new. How exciting!

Some view Mercury going into retrograde with frustration and anxiety. Approaching it from a standpoint of anticipation, excitement and joy will expedite the completion of my projects and help me to roll through any communication hiccups.

The initial shifting of energy throughout my home with the cleaning Jess and I began two weeks ago have had far reaching affects. As we continue to look within and release what no longer serves us, new information and guidance will manifest.

Are you ready to shift and shake up the energy around you, blessing on its way that which no longer serves you and embracing that which does? Are you ready to open your heart to the infinite possibility of you? Complete those projects that have long remain uncompleted! Turn on the light to welcome in the new and exciting! Now is the time!

May your guidance be clear in all that you do…

In love and light,

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