Friday, November 3, 2017

Manifest with the Wishing Moon - Nov 4

Have you ever heard of a Wishing Moon?

 Make use of the Power of the Wishing Moon!

Tomorrow, November 4, the moon will be full - and... it's a Wishing Moon!

I learned about the Wishing Moon from my dear friend, Rachel Keene. 

I had been playing with my angels during the full and new moons to manifest what I want, but now when it's a Wishing Moon I implement Rachel's guidance to super-charge my manifesting energy!

Now full moon time is even more fun and powerful!
Click here to get guidance from Rachel so you, too, can magnify your manifesting energy.

Super cyber hugs,

PS  Click here to access Angelic GPS (insight to getting the most support from your angels to overcome the world's chaos and live in JOY) for next week!

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