Sunday, August 7, 2016

Angelic GPS August 8 - 14. 2016

This week's energy supports you to follow your intuition!

If you know what guidance from your intuition feels like, you're good to go!  But if you're unsure about what information comes from your intuition and what information comes from your subconscious brain, read on...

Information from your intuition comes from your Truth Center.  

How to identify your Truth Center:

1.  Take a deep breath, then say this statement (or any statement you know to be false):  Healthy grass is orange.  You know this is not true.

2.  Immediately notice where your body feels uncomfortable when you make this statement - don't analyze it, just notice it.

3.  Now take another deep breath and say this statement (or any statement you know to be true):  Healthy grass is green.  You know this is true.

4.  Immediately notice where your body feels in agreement/warm fuzzy.  This is the same place you felt uncomfortable when you made the false statement.

This is your Truth Center.

This is where your intuition speaks to you - through sensations in that part of your body that felt uncomfortable when you made the statement: Healthy grass is orange.
When you're faced with an experience that causes the uncomfortable sensation in that part of your body, this is your sign that your intuition is trying to tell you, "this isn't right - stop - take a closer look," or "don't do that - this isn't a good decision for you."

This week set your intention to 'be aware' of what your intuition tells you and follow the guidance!

In love and light,

ps - need tools to support you to live your biggest, most magnificent life?  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Self-Study Program is available now - check it out!  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program

Just need a tool to get you over the hump?  Check these out:
Receive & Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels - Self Study Class
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Healing Trilogy - 3 guided meditations: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness

All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs.  No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!

“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

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