When my daughter was a baby and toddler, I divorced her dad. It was a very
scary, vulnerable time in our lives. At one point I remember being
surprised when I heard the sound of my own laughter because I hadn't heard it in
so long. I'll never forget that first time - it was heartbreaking - on top
of everything else...
My angels took care of us in those days - it was evident, because I sure
couldn't. I was literally drowning in fear, but my physical body kept living.
It took me awhile, but I vowed that NO-THING would have that much power over me
again - to stifle my laughter and suppress my joy!
Laughter lifts the energy of the body and opens the door to joy and happiness.

makes you laugh? Are you laughing? Would you like to laugh more?
To FEEL that joy of happiness inside you from the inside out?
On Saturday, October 11, the f-re-e 4-Part Introductory Video Series for the new Game of Life
Mastery Program 3.0 begins. The videos introduce you to the magic of this
exciting program and they will include some very special bonus material that
will jump start your happiness vibration to make laughter your new best friend!
One student's experience: "I want to preface this by saying I have done
different spiritual work for over thirty years, I have had A Course In Miracles
for over twenty years for instance, and I have never had the kind of powerful
breakthroughs I have been experiencing in The Game of Life Mastery Program. Maybe it is because I am ready
now, the previous 30 years having laid the groundwork, but whatever it is I
thank Kate and this program for being the catalyst to allow this to happen!" ~AG
The Game of Life Mastery Program provides a loving supportive community
consisting of your angels, guides and other like minded people who, like you,
are on a quest to
live a happier life. This program is facilitated by me and my angelic team.
Click here to gain access to these remarkable, extraordinary, SHORT introductory
Note: two of the videos include action steps you can take immediately after
watching the video to begin expanding your awareness and creating a happier
This will be the last time this year this life changing program will be
Register now to set a solid foundation for the happiest holiday season ever PLUS
a joy filled New Year of 2015!
I hope you'll join me to share love and laughter!
In love and light,
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