My favorite and best memories as a child were waking up at Grandma's house in
the summer time. I could hear Grandma puttering around in the kitchen and I
would lie there in bed reveling in the joy of the warm breeze spilling in
through the open window, smelling the slight fragrance (or odor, depending on
your viewpoint
) of the
cows in the pasture. And I knew that when I walked into the kitchen Grandma
would be happy to see me!

I savor those memories, because many of the years following that wasn't so warm
and fuzzy...
The past few days I've been reminiscing about the changes I've made in my life.
From a place without pain, I've looked back at all the years I struggled,
drowning in fear without physically dying. ...and there were times that I
would have beat the angels to the door had they come for me...
Even in the deepest pit of that fear, I knew there was something better - an
easier way to live my life and to experience joy on a consistent basis - not
just once in a while, but as my normal way of BE-ing - waking up feeling happy.
Struggling to figure out how to experience the happy life I longed for on my own
took years. But I was determined and I opened my heart to the teachers and my angelic team ==== and because I was paying attention... they delivered tools and support for me to use to transform my life.
I learned that "I" create my life and that I have the ability to create something different. Learning this and implementing the tools and new teachings that came to me guided me to transform my life from one of fear, worry, suffering and struggling to one of joy, love and happiness.
I don't struggle in fear anymore and Worry and I broke up --- we are no longer friends.
For the past 14 years I've shared the tools and teachings that I've received through the Soul Kisses website as support to anyone who is actively on the path to transform their life to something better.
This year, along with my angels and guides, I've been actively working with the spiritual essence of Florence Scovel Shinn to hold the safe space for others to learn at a deep level the magic of Florence's teachings and the tools the angelic realm has shared with me through The Game of Life Mastery Program. We've formed a safe container of a loving, supportive community and members are reporting miraculous transformation they've been searching for all their lives!
![]() "I am attracting in so many wonderful moments/opportunities and helping so many other friends with all that I have learned this year, I have been truly amazed with my progress. I know I am doing a lot of work on myself, however without Kate’s guidance and love in my journey, I believe I wouldn’t have progressed anywhere near as quickly as I have, nor appreciated or acknowledged my progress. Kate has supported me and is so accessible it is wonderful. I have done lots of programs with others, but never has the Facilitator been so accessible as Kate .. to me this shows she is true to her word and really wants to help spread the message about Florence’s work. If you're thinking about doing the Mastery Program, I would absolutely encourage you to go ahead and sign up! I’m so blessed I did and will be doing the Program again in the future (Lifetime Membership!) .. I am shifting my energy and am creating in my life what I want to create .. I’m not where I want to be just yet, but I am so much closer to it than ever before and know it is about keeping moving forward, believing in myself, allowing my Angels to work with and for me .. it is a really exciting journey for sure! Kate, thank you so much for your love, support and belief in me and for holding the energy for me to be who I came here to be, to create what I want to create and have everything I want .. I’m so appreciative and thankful and so excited about the journey forward. Bless you Kate. Pam (Australia)" |
I invite you to click here to consciously, purposefully begin your "Fast Track" journey to waking up Happy Every Day! You'll receive immediate "Priority" access to the fr*ee 4-Part video series that begins today! Each video has a bonus gift to support you to begin making the changes you wish to make to live a happier life. Please share those you love who are searching for help to live a happier, more joy filled life!
In love and light,
p.s. If worry is one of your best friends, please... click in and register to access these videos... Video #2 which premiers on Monday, will share with you valuable information and steps to BE worry f*r*ee!
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