In order to BE in that higher vibration of love, we must do away with the less
than love energy that has been hidden in the shadows of our heart.
.....painful life events that are laced in fear - experiences that we've
suppressed for years because they've been too painful to face - and probably
didn't know existed - it was so well buried...
Just 8 days ago, something came up for me that I had no conscious memory of -
something that happened when I was a toddler!
This painful, "you don't deserve to be loved" energy was very real! It was
lurking in my subconscious and had been feeding on fear for over 50 years (OMG
dated myself!)!
BUT!!! I knew what to do with it when it came forward and demanded to be
healed! And when I took the simple action steps to heal it, I was
propelled into a JOY Filled state of BE-ing that defies human words to describe
---- in essence, I was set free!
The bottom line is, No-One is getting to Opt-Out of healing painful energy
that's been suppressed - sometimes - for years!
Not me... not you...
...And you do NOT want to suppress it again when it comes up - or ignore it!
Because if you do... when it pops up again it will be even more painful than it
is now!
Question is... do you know what to do with it when it comes up?
In The Game of Life Mastery Program 3.0 I teach you how to recognize this
energy for what it is: a Golden Opportunity! Then I teach you the simple
steps to face, disconnect and heal that energy in all directions of time.
Healing this energy at your soul, cellular level will set you free to experience
the life of happiness you deserve!
The Game of Life Mastery Program is a safe, fully supported container
that teaches you how to identify and shift your energy out of the lower
vibration of fear, to the higher vibration of love - to claim mastery to create
the life you long for and deserve!
I'm excited to welcome you into the fold of this loving, supportive community -
where we work with the angelic realm to reconnect with the love that is our
Message from Amy G about The Game of Life Mastery Program: .....I absolutely love the fact that Kate incorporates talking to your angels, and a focus on God as the creator of all that is, with the law of attraction principles. Everything she teaches such as rewriting neural pathways, talking to your angels and raising your energy to a higher level, I have read about and tried before, but until now could not do it. ....I thank Kate and this program for being the catalyst to allow this to happen!" |
here to watch the short, powerful videos, download your bonus gifts and
learn more about this extraordinary program that creates remarkable results!
In love and light,
p.s. This program begins on Wednesday, October 22. Cannot attend live? No Worries!!! All calls are recorded and transcripts are included! AND... Barbie shares this about how powerful the Energy of the program is:
"....I was having trouble with my computer and couldn't get on one of the calls. When I read the transcript, I was thrilled to discover as I read it that the loving energy that I receive on the calls was also very strong when I read the transcript! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" |
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