Monday, July 18, 2016

Need a formula for success? You'll want to see this! ;)

Are you tired of struggling?  Is it possible to learn the formula of success and happiness?  

What if the answer were yes, would a kindred soul's loving support make your life easier?

I want to introduce you to a dear friend and colleague of mine, Dr.Tamaey Gottuso. Tamaey recently asked me to share my life’s story of overcoming obstacles to create joy, prosperity and happiness in my life.  

For those of you who know me, you know I've crawled through the trenches of despair, desperation and fear, and I've shared many of my trials, tribulations and triumphs with you.

When Tamaey invited me to join in this gift of love, it gave me an unexpected opportunity to look in the rearview mirror and not only appreciate just how far I’ve come, but also to heal some rough edges - and you KNOW how much I like healing!

In looking back I realized that when I was sloshing around in the muck of fear creating unnecessary challenges and hiccups for myself - then turning those traumatic events into a higher outcome that actually produced happiness, I had no idea how my story would affect others - affect you.  

I remembered that EVERY time I questioned whether I should share a life experience with you - and did - I would hear from you, "Thanks, Kate, this is exactly what I needed to hear!"

Sharing my vulnerable moments from the safety of our community has uplifted and supported you - offering a hand of assistance across the soils and waters of Mother Earth letting you know you're not alone...  you're fully supported by me and your angels. 

I agreed to share my life story with Tamaey and the other 22 experts in her free interview series: Your Best Life Now: Turning Trials into Triumphs and Begin Living an Extraordinary Life, to support others outside our community.

Now I want to invite you to listen in to this beautiful safe space of love and support that Tamaey has created with me and the other authors and speakers as we share our life experiences to support you.

I pray you'll feel the love and be supported, plus you'll receive an extraordinary gift from each of the speakers.

This is a WORLDWIDE Global Event!  When you listen in to the love that is shared you'll become a part of a beautiful grid that surrounds Mother Earth supporting each other as one.

You can get FREE VIP ACCESS to the interviews of these amazing experts (including mine!) here:

When you listen in you'll learn how we are all In-This-Together and with the sharing of proven tools, Success is the only option!  

Oh, did I mention my dear friends Rachel Keene and Roland Comtois are two of my fellow partners in this love filled event?  You're going to want to hear what they've got to say!

I hope you'll accept my personal invitation to get on board this exciting vehicle of support!  

It's easy, just click here and follow the prompts:

All the love of my heart,

ps - Be sure to register asap for this extraordinary event so you don't miss anything!  Just click here:

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