Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tips for Mars Retrograde - Discover what is Holding You Back!

The planet Mars goes retrograde about every two years (March 1 - May 19, 2014) and it can mean a time of feeling overwhelmed with emotions - feeling weepy, swift to anger, waves of sadness, magnification of depression... the energy opens the door to rethinking, regrouping and reintegrating.


What does this mean for you and me?   

It is a time that reveals your weak spots so you can find ways to BE more empowered! 

It is a time of energetic support to get clear on your relationships with people, with money, with your environment, with your job and with your own body. 

It means that NOW is a perfect time to look deeply within and reconnect with the divinity within you, a time to fan the flame of inspired motivation and claim your passion that has been forgotten or underdeveloped - a time to rekindle your dreams...

During this time of Mars in Retrograde, you are fully supported energetically to explore issues hidden deep within your subconscious - issues that have been hidden in the shadows of your heart - issues that hold you back from stepping into something new and different - something fun and exciting!  Isn't it time to shed light on all that holds you back?  Did you know that shining the light on the darkness of "issues" dissipates the darkness and transforms them to light? 

Are you struggling with an area of your life that is a problem? Mars retrograde energy fully supports reaching out for help to accelerate healing from deep within...

What you may be experiencing is a "darkness before the dawn."  What will bring forth that dawn of possibility?

Can you do it on your own?  Do you need a supportive hand of help?  I invite you to listen to the replay of the attract "prosperity miracles" webinar, read through The Game of Life Mastery Program information and discern if this is what you've been praying for to help you claim your power of love or above and transform your life to something more wonderful than you can even imagine in this moment.  Point your browser here to access all this information: www.thegameoflifemastery.com

In the mean time, here are a few of tips to make Mars in Retrograde work for you instead of against you: 
* Ask your angels to surround you with peace, love and light and hold you in that magic bubble of loving control.
* GROUND yourself periodically throughout your day.
* When you feel the resistance of friction beginning surrounding a situation or a relationship, step back and take DEEP breaths and Ground yourself before proceeding.
* Ask for clear guidance and listen to the voice of your heart - the divinity within you.

The intricate challenges and drama of life can get you down.  Stop the madness by implementing the 3 steps to attracting prosperity miracles that I shared with you in the complementary webinar.  Download your copy here: www.thegameoflifemastery.com 

In love and light,

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