Friday, April 15, 2016

Soul Kiss April 15, 21006

The human conditioning is to believe that everything is hard.  Do these quotes sound familiar?

"Struggling is a fact of life."

"Starving artists..."

"If it were easy, everyone would do it."

The quote I heard the most was, "Life is hard, then you die."

Pretty bleak, aren't they?

The one thing they all have in common is they're not true.  They're an illusion of the physical world - perhaps stemming from a power standpoint to keep people in fear, struggling to survive.  It's hard for others to control you if you're happy....

The reality is, that when we tap into the love that is our essence and open our hearts to the possibility of our True Limitlessness, miracles begin to happen through that open heart....  Seemingly impossible good manifests through an open heart.

And... it's safe for you to open your heart to the limitless loving essence that you are!

You can do it!

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