Thursday, May 7, 2015

Angel Hug of Support through Harsh Energy May 7, 2015

This week's energy fully supports you to transcend the "mental conflict" of the human brain thought processes - Thank God! (see this week's Angelic GPS here)

The energies fluctuating throughout the planet have been harsh - harsh in the sense that the energy is seriously revealing what no longer serves us.  Sunday's Full Moon added to the fray of this magnetic energy that is not seeking to punish us, but to "none-too-gently" push us into BE-ing the greatest expression of ourselves possible.

For me, this revelation has shown me a depth of "despair with a dose of depression" that I didn't know existed within me.  Yet, here it is, right in my face demanding to be healed.  As painful as it is, I see it for "what it is" - a golden opportunity to blossom and expand and most importantly, be done with that shadow energy that's been poking me and hiding off and on for years. 

Angel Hug of Support
Dear One...

We ask that you take this time to be gentle with your human selves - to rest, to look within and bravely face - with our support - the low vibrating energies of unworthiness, not good enough, despair, depression, worry and anxiousness. 

We know that living in your human body brings with it a feeling of being alone in an empty space - unseen, unheard and misunderstood - and most painfully feeling separated from God.

This cannot be further from the truth.  For God is within you - breathing life into your body, allowing you to fully experience the duality of your planet, while supporting you to access your heart space where all things are possible.

We ask that you allow your spirit to acknowledge that loving support you access through your prayers is us - with you.

Ask for our help, trusting into 'knowing' that the results of our help is imminent in your physical world reality.

Dearest Children, you are not alone as you ascend and transform from the fear filled human to the limitless spiritual BEing that you are.

Give to us what no longer serves you and we will disconnect you from it in all directions of time so that you - YOU may freely experience the greatest joy of love and light that you human be-ing-ness can comprehend!

Your loving Angels of Light...

Be gentle with yourself as what no longer serves you is revealed and know that the less than love energy is not seeking to punish you --- it is coming forward to be healed - now and forevermore!   Recognize it for the Golden Opportunity it is to step into an even greater expression of yourself fearlessly BE-ing limitless!

You can do it!  We'll do it together!

Oh yes... one more thing...  the Soul Kisses website is undergoing a full facelift and remodel.  I'll be announcing an open house soon!  Watch your emails for the exciting details!

In love and light,

ps - if you missed the Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal Your Pathway to Miracles or the New Moon program, the recordings of the live program are available.  Full Moon here -- New Moon here.

pps - if you received benefit from this information, I would love it if you would share it with your friends!

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