Monday, August 5, 2013

Seize Your Power...

In today's world the things that annoy us, things we don't like, things we aren't in agreement with, things that make us feel stuck and things we wish to change are stepping through the shadows of living to stand right in our faces.  They can no longer be ignored.

What are these "things?"

Things that no longer serve us, such as jobs we're miserable in, but we go to every day because we're convinced they're safe, secure and we can't get another one, relationships that have run their course and no longer hold physical love (much less honor and respect), feeling trapped in life situations and relationships, choosing to live an existence of lack and being a victim to name a few.  ...and...  we've been taught by the physical world that we have no power to change these life situations.  We've been taught that we just need to get over it and deal with it - PLUS, what would people think?  We retreat deep into the safest place we can find, feeling lost, powerless, helpless and alone ...and we suffer.  We're taught that this is the only thing we can do...

I believe its time to change that way of thinking!

This past weekend, Freddy, the Majik Poodle and I went to Breckenridge, Colorado to meet a dear friend from California who was visiting for a wedding.  She's from sea level and Breckenridge is 9600 feet above sea level - thin oxygen...  Obviously our bodies need oxygen and if you aren't acclimated to the altitude the human body can feel pretty crummy.  Just what can you do about that?  Get more oxygen!  The first thing we did when Freddy and I picked her up was take her to an Oxygen Bar where we all (except Majik) breathed in 30 minutes of 90% oxygen - and life was better for everyone.  We made a choice to make a life situation better and an option presented itself to us almost instantly when we made the "decision" to do something to create a higher outcome.

For many of us, making decisions is the key to a tailspin of panic.  A place where we feel alone because the energy of decision making is a foreign land full of uncertainty. Years ago living in a state of indecision was an okay place to live - it wasn't comfortable, but it was our normal way of living and it was tolerable.  However, through the years it has become a more and more painful place to be - this space of uncertainty, feeling powerless and helpless.  The universe no longer supports the energetic state of indecision.  To create a better reality we must become a society of decision makers - preferably decisions that create the highest possible outcome.

What we long for is clarity, support and validation that our choices are good.  We want the lights to flash and the earth to shake and an angel to stand there with a sign that says, "Kate this is exactly what you are to do... Step 1...  Step 2...  Step 3...  Follow these steps and you cannot fail - you will be successful and happy!"  I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon - at least not in my lifetime.

In last week's newsletter I stated:  "It is OUR job to put our needs and desires first, then everyone else will adapt.  From a human standpoint that sounds really selfish doesn't it?"  The reality is that being selfish is when you avoid making a decision because it is easier and more comfortable not to.  When you get clear on what it is that you want you expand your heart consciousness and options present themselves - like the Oxygen Bar did for my friend from California.

Not every decision will produce the highest possible outcome, but no decision will create nothing different - only more of the same.  Is this the way you want to live?  Like you have for years, or do you want to experience your heart singing with joy as your new normal?  Know that Mother Earth, the Universe - the love of All That Is fully supports your ability to create your version of Heaven on Earth!

My friend came to the Colorado mountains and experienced the unforeseen challenge of the altitude.  Lack of oxygen is something you typically would not expect - the planet is covered with "air" right?  As with any endeavor your own uncertainty may make change like going to a place on earth with less air and you're uncomfortable at first.  But when you keep your heart open to the guidance there's an Oxygen Bar on your path to help you.  However, it is up to you as to whether you accept its blessing then fearlessly move on to create your desire or retreat back into the state of feeling powerless, helpless and stuck.

Your birthright is to be happy - to create your version of Heaven on Earth as your reality.

If you are living the life of your dreams, I applaud you!  Congratulations!

This webinar is my gift to you to hold the safe space for you to choose to step into your power to create the life you wish to live.  Please share the link to this complimentary webinar with anyone you believe would receive benefit from it!

May you be profoundly blessed in this moment and in every moment after...

In love and light,

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