Monday, October 19, 2015

Angelic GPS: October 19-25, 2015

This week's energy supports us to BE in aligned partnership with the Divine guidance of our Angelic A-Team!

As a society we are taught that we're separate from God.  You only have to look into the eyes of a baby to know this isn't true.

Now more than ever we are powerfully supported to breathe into the "knowing" of our eternal connection As-One-with-God. 

This week's energy fully supports us to breathe into that still, quiet space of knowing - beyond trust and faith to firmly knowing with every cell of our BE-ing that we and the higher realms are one.

....AND.... to operate from there - that still, quiet space of knowing.

Sit with quietly with your angels and ask them to 'show you' this place - this state of 
BE-ing - and simply breathe into it!

From this state of BE-ing you will find peace, tranquility, serenity and love like you've never experienced before.

Open your heart and embrace the love of your Angelic A-Team and ask them for their help and guidance in all areas of your life.

They will help you!

I would LOVE to hear your story of following magical angelic guidance!  Click reply and share your story!

In love and light,

“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

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