Last week personal events and the affects of
the energetic flow was challenging for many. Myself included.
This week's energy can be just as tricky, but
the angels give us some step-by-step guidance.
8-14, 2015
The powerful energy of this week supports you to step out of the "Fear Trap" by following the Guiding Light of your Intuition to achieve your version of Success!
Last week's energy was loaded with accelerated motion and if
you were not prepared to flow fearlessly with this surge of force, life was
challenging. Which led to falling into the "fear trap."
Many people were freaking out, when all they had to do was
STOP and BREATHE. Breathe into the light of their source energy ==> love
---and above all else, keep their Worry Angel employed
So please, take this to heart:
The flow of energy that is pulsating throughout our planet is
not going to get any kinder. It is up to you and me to choose the energy
we wish to experience and "gosh darn" claim it and accept nothing less!
I know this sounds like a lot of work, but it only requires
more effort in the beginning, till it's anchored. Once it's anchored, life
flows more gently - no matter what is going on around you.
So now, your human brain is probably asking, "How do I do
This is what you do:
So take the time you need - right now - to:
1. Set your intention to step out of the "fear trap"
and breathe into the guiding light of your intuition. Close your eyes and
settle into feeling and focusing on the beating of your heart.
2. Then shift your attention to gratitude of the
blessings in your life and send love to them. This will shift your energy
to the higher vibration of love. Do this no matter what is going on in
your life.
3. Maintain this higher vibration of gratitude/love
energy and follow the guidance of your heart. Your version of success will
magically manifest!
Remember, last week's energy told us that delay's are over.
Mercury is still in retrograde - now is the perfect time to complete uncompleted
projects and wrap up loose ends. When you breathe into the guiding light
of your intuition, your creative juices will ramp up and opportunities will be
revealed to you that you did not see before.
You got this!
Success is YOURS!
Your intuition/higher self, knows of the higher outcome
possibilities that you get flashes of when your creative juices are flowing, and
recognizes them as real.
Your conscious wants to believe they are real, but the
subconscious - that part of you that wants to protect you day in and day out...
well... it tells you that the good stuff you get glimpses of isn't possible for
When you use the three steps listed above, the voice of your
subconscious loses its volume control. When you're in the vibration of
gratitude, anything is possible. Step out of your "fear trap" and claim
what your higher self already knows - you DESERVE everything and anything that
makes you happy.
Claim the joy that is your birthright and accept nothing
In love and light,
ps - If you receive benefit from the Angelic GPS, I would love it if you would share it with your friends!
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