Sunday, December 28, 2014

Angelic GPS December 29-January 4, 2015

December 29, 2014 - January 4, 2015

The powerful energy of this week revolves around creation through your intuition!

The year of 2014 is ending and the magnificent year of 2015 is beginning!  Breathe in the fresh, newness of it!

The angels show us that the seeds of creation intention you've been planting have taken root.  Behind the scenes the universe is working diligently to match to you the energy of what you desire. 

BE AWARE of your energy!  Are you getting nervous or anxious that you aren't experiencing everything you want?  STOP the less than love energy of worry - give it ALL to your Worry Angel!  (don't know your Worry Angel? Subscribe to the Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers newsletter and receive an audio introduction to your Worry Angel!)

As much as humanly possible, maintain the energy of what it would feel like to experience what you wish to BE, Do and Have! 

It is through your energy that you create your life experiences!  What is your energy magnetizing to you - love or above experiences?  Or less than love experiences?

The angels are with you to hold the space of loving patience.  Use this time to prepare for what it is you want to experience. 

Experiencing resistance to what you wish to create or transform?  Ask your angels to help you face the core of that resistance, disconnect from it and heal it!

Know that in every moment of your life, you have many, many angels, guides and teachers with you, supporting you, loving you - unconditionally!  Allow yourself to take in the "knowing" within you that this is true!

May your heart be open to the love essence that you are to receive the miraculous blessings of prosperity that are yours!

Sending you love and light,
ps: Living in a human body can be challenging... The Angelic GPS will help you flow with ease and grace as you experience your life path.  I invite you to share this information with your friends and family!

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