Monday, August 29, 2011

Is your "joy" cup in a state of "over-flow?"

We humans as a collective and our planet are in an intense time of change. We are being forced to choose, the light or the dark - fear or love.  We are all experiencing some form of fear crawling into our reality from the deep recesses of our hearts to show us how to make this choice: continue to live in the lower vibration of fear or shift into the higher vibration of love and change everything.

This concept of "changing everything" sounds good till you get right down to that "step" into another reality - an unknown.  Then the old life of "fear source" doesn't look so bad because it is familiar and has the illusion of safety because at least we know how painful it is.  

What we don't know is how releasing that fear and embracing a higher consciousness of love will feel - it will be different and as a human we assign "different" and "change" experiences their own level of fear - Catch 22.

The angels show me how the world is at our feet "so to speak." Now is a time of miraculous manifestation of choice!  With a thought we reclaim our power and shift fully into love source through the God Part within us - pulling forth that unconditional love of self/God and projecting its higher vibration of energy into the "All" that we are.  Light and love burst forth and life is...


What would life on this planet be like then?  

Our cup of "joy" over-flows... 

Tools to disconnect from fear and claim your over-flowing cup of "JOY":
* Meditation
* Journaling
* Gratitude - The Power of Gratitude guided meditation as my gift here
* Healing Circle of Love meditation
* Healing Trilogy: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness meditations
Power of Two Spiritual Coaching
* 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels
* Communicating with Your Angels self study class

As our world and lives shift and change, we must hold to the "truth" that there is perfection in all things.  As humans we are strong, pliable, resilient and survivors. In every moment of our lives we have a crowd of angels, guides and teachers to help us traverse this dense planet.  

In every breath there is hope, possibility and light.  

May your life become easier with each breath...

In love and light,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is Suicide an Option?

Tonight on the Spiritual Whispers Radio Program I will be joined by Linelle to discuss suicide. 

I've thought about leaving the planet myself - I never thought of it as "suicide" - more like I just didn't want to be here anymore.  The first time was in the 6th grade when the boy I had a HUGE crush on came up to me one crisp fall morning before school and told me LOUDLY, in front of all my friends that I was uglier than the South bound end of a North bound mule.  To add insult to injury I had Parry Romberg Disease (now it is a Syndrome) and the left side of my face had no fatty tissue - it was skeletal with skin stretched over the bone.

Of course I started to cry. Then the school bell rang and the teacher of my first class wanted to know what happened.  My "best friend" LOUDLY told the teacher what happened outside - word for word.  So anyone that wasn't standing near enough to hear outside, heard it inside.  My heart was crushed with embarrassment twice within fifteen minutes.

My mom had to come get me.  Then I had to see the school counselor whose approach really didn't help, instead I felt like others thought I was crazy.  So I didn't feel like I fit in, I was deeply embarrassed because the entire school knew I had a crush on this boy and how he felt about me and he was right - in our society of beauty, I was NOT going to win any beauty pageants. 

I was done and I wanted to leave.  

Then an odd thing happened...  something shifted inside me and instead of wanting to leave, I stomped my foot and refused to allow anyone to hurt me like that again - ever. I took my power back.  I couldn't control what I looked like or what was going on with my body, but I could control my grades and I worked my tail off to get "A's" - graduating in the top ten percent of my class.

About a year after graduation I ran into the boy I had a crush on, the one who "ruined my life" in 6th grade, at a convenience store.  No, I didn't physically run over him with my car...  I bumped into him when I came out of the store as he was going in.  And... he apologized for what he said to me that day seven years before.  

I was so surprised he even remembered.  I had forgiven him years before, but I never forgot.  I told him he was forgiven, we talked, laughed and I went on my way.

Then I saw him again on a Friday night in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot.  The parking lot was full of "partying" kids in cars, sitting on cars and walking around.  I remember standing beside his truck talking to him - he was driving and had been drinking.  Next thing I knew the parking lot was being raided by deputies and state troopers.  The sheriff himself walked over and told me to move my car and told my "friend" to get out of his truck.  I moved the car alright - out the back of the parking lot and all the way home.  I wasn't drinking, but my friend was, so he went to jail.  I really felt bad about that...  but like so many things, it was out of my control... 

There are so many moments in our lives that we "feel" like we have no options, but in my fifty (almost fifty-one) years on the planet I've learned that we ALWAYS have options.  When life events occur that are painful they are really golden opportunities to connect with the God Part within us and heal the pain.  It is in the reconnection with the light within that the options are revealed to us.  

There is no doubt that the physical world teaches us that we are separate and alone and sometimes that teaching of separation becomes a form of isolation that is all but unbearable.  It is in those moments of deepest despair that opening our heart to the love that we are and allowing God's loving light to guide us will give us the strength to step into our power and claim the life we came here to live.

Everyone has this power, no matter how deep in despair we are, we still have the spark of God's loving light within us.  Looking within and connecting with this light changes everything.  Through the light options are revealed and one of them is NOT suicide.

Tools to reconnect with the divine light within:
* Meditation
* Journaling
* Gratitude - The Power of Gratitude guided meditation as my gift here
* Healing Circle of Love meditation
* Healing Trilogy: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness meditations
Remember, you are One with God and profoundly loved without conditions - no matter who you are - no matter what you've done - no matter what you think about yourself.  The fact is you are a glorious spark of love and light and this moment holds hope and possibility - embrace it.

May your be profoundly blessed in this moment and in every moment after...

In love and light,

NOTE:  If you are contemplating suicide reach out for human help and angelic help - both are available to you.

Special Invite:  On this Thursday's Spiritual Whispers Radio Show Linelle will be joining me to share a message of hope to those who feel so separate and alone that they are contemplating suicide. 

As always, your feedback is welcome!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I don't fit, my options are...

When I started the radio program, Spiritual Whispers, the subject of suicide wasn't on the list of topics, but it continues to come to me in a variety of ways. Until hope and infinite possibility become our conscious state as a collective the action of suicide will continue be a part of our lives.

The fact is that living as a human on Mother Earth has it's harsh moments and sometimes those moments turn into months and years.  As a child I didn't feel like I fit where we lived, then I moved to another state - still no fit, then to Colorado and hmmm... still not so much.  In the early nineties I visited my parents and stopped by to see a friend.  The friend's mother told me I never did "fit" there and then she said, "just look at me, I still didn't fit." 

My feelings weren't hurt, because she was right, I didn't fit and I had learned that many of my "spiritual" friends felt they didn't fit either.  One of my friends kept a bag packed under her bed when she was a child so that she would be ready when "they" came back to get her.  I asked her who "they" were - she didn't know, but she was going to be ready when they came!  

When I actively began to look within and discern my spiritual path I discovered my feelings of "not fitting" were the separation from (Father, Mother) God (Creator of All That Is) that the physical world teaches that we are - separate and alone.  When I reconnected with the essence of who I am - One with God - opening my heart to the connection with my entourage of angelic light beings, the feelings of "not fitting" melted away.

As a human walking the soils of Mother Earth, everyone has their own path of life emotions, pain and joy that they must experience in order to heal the wounds of their heart and shift to love source. Everyone is going through their own "rebirth" so to speak at this time. Everyone's heart is feeling the tug of the "need" for reconnection with the light within and so many don't know what that tug is about... or what to do...  this is where addiction and less than desirable behavior comes in - and sometimes suicidal thoughts or the act of suicide.

Growing up I felt separate and alone, like the majority of humans, and there were times I wanted to leave and go home.  I remember one day feeling incredibly low and unhappy and thinking that as I drove my car I could just crash it and be done with everything - I can still see the overpass at Bijou and I25 in Colorado Springs.  Then I thought about the mess it would make and that someone would have to clean it up so I abandoned that idea and began to embrace the things I was grateful for - it took time, but life changed for the better.

Somehow through the haze of pain that was my life and my thinking, a new thought made it through and that thought was that I did have options. 

We have the power to change our lives - and that power lies within us - each one of us.  We are energy and when we change our energy, we change our lives - reconnecting with the love source within us changes our lives in a huge way.  The step to begin that shift into love is gratitude.

Take this moment to think of something you are grateful for and embrace it with all the energy that is you - embrace the gratitude into your cells and consciously shift into this elation of gratitude every time you catch yourself succumbing to feeling lost in chaos, sadness and helplessness.  (You can do this even if the only thing you can think of to be grateful for is that there is enough air to breathe!)

What do you think the world would be like if our religions "taught" us that we are never alone - that we are always - in every moment - a crowd of angelic light beings that love us and wish to help us - instead of teaching us that we are isolated and alone separated from God by sin?  I believe the world would be a much happier place...

This urgency within us to reconnect with the essence of God within us is very real and goes against what many of our religions have taught us - from this perspective it is no wonder there are so many who feel helpless, powerless, lost and abandoned.
We each have the same power of creation within us.  Today is a great day to step out of the energy you've used to create a life you don't like and into the energy of gratitude to create a life that you love.

Tools to make life easier and help you fit in your body:
* Meditation
* Journaling
* Gratitude - The Power of Gratitude guided meditation as my gift here
* Healing Circle of Love meditation
* Healing Trilogy: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness meditations
Power of Two Spiritual Coaching
* 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels
* Communicating with Your Angels self study class
* Prosperity Tool Kit   (50% off sale ends tomorrow Friday, August 26)

You are one with the light - where you live, work or what clothes you wear or car you drive will not change that.  Know that you have options in every life situation and relationship.  Open your heart to the guidance of your angelic light beings and create the highest possible outcome today!

In love and light,

NOTE:  If you are contemplating suicide reach out for human help and angelic help - both are available to you.

Special Invite:  On this Thursday's Spiritual Whispers Radio Show Linelle will be joining me to share a message of hope to those who feel so separate and alone that they are contemplating suicide. 

As always, your feedback is welcome!

The Sands of Time...

The other night while I was brushing my teeth, I clearly heard:  "The sands of time are not running out... They are simply moving to another space."

It was in those moments of, what I like to call, "Distracted Concentration" that Archangel Metatron was able to make his voice heard through my human mind chatter.  I finished brushing my teeth and asked him to tell me more.

He then showed me an hour glass and how we sometimes feel overwhelmed that "time is running out."  We feel as though we're running out of time to make changes in our lives and our planet.  Then he showed me how this anxiousness of "running out of time" causes us to resist "change" while the reality is that "change" is what "saves" us. 

We cannot keep doing the same thing over and over and expect the outcome to be different.  By allowing, welcoming and embracing "change" is how we bring our heaven to earth. 
The sands of time are shifting to a new reality - a new energy - a new earth where the unconditional love of heaven resides.  

Do you feel that yearning within your heart that there is something more?  That the pain of this physical world is but a distraction to keep you from tapping into and embracing the unconditional love that is your essence?

We already walk among angels.  What if you simply trusted that concept and embraced the joy that longs to sing from your heart?  What would life be like?

Tools to make "Change" easier:
* Meditation
* Journaling
* Gratitude - The Power of Gratitude guided meditation as my gift here
* Healing Trilogy: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness meditations
Power of Two Spiritual Coaching
* 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels
* Communicating with Your Angels self study class
* Prosperity Tool Kit   (50% off sale ends tomorrow Friday, August 26) 

If you feel that your "sands of time" are running out - if you're overwhelmed, scattered and lost, STOP what you are doing, take a few deep, deep breaths in, and focus your attention on your heart.  Then focus on something you are grateful for and embrace that gratitude.  Return your focus again to your heart and allow yourself to "hear" your heart beat as a sound or feel it as a sensation.  Breathe deeply and set your intention for a higher outcome and claim it as yours!
May the desires of your heart flow to you easily and effortlessly!

In love and light,

She Asked me, "Do you have Cancer?"

Recently I was shopping for food for the Majik poodle at Samantha's Katz n Dogz when I joined a conversation with another shopper and the sales clerk. The shopper paid for her dog food and told me she would wait for me outside, she wanted to talk with me.

Once outside, she asked me, "Do you have cancer?"

The answer is, "No, I don't."

What I do have is Parry Romberg Syndrome in my face - "progressive hemifacial atrophy" I believe it is called.  From the time I was four till I was in my early twenties the left side of my face was skin stretched over the bone because the fatty tissue had died. Then I had reconstructive micro-vascular surgery that replaced tissue to my face from my tummy and several surgeries since to "make it look better."  Then I put on weight - oy vey...  so between weight gain and gravity (gotta love gravity) some may think I have a tumor.

In the past my reaction was always, ALWAYS very painful.  But this time was different.  My initial reaction was simply surprise.  In those seconds of taking in the words of her question, I wasn't horrified.  I simply - "was."  It has taken me 46 years to get to this place, this wonderful place of accepting "me."

The woman who was speaking to me wanted to share with me a product that is healing cancer tumors - her heart was in the right place.  

Then I spent the next hour standing in the shade amidst the heat of an August afternoon talking with her about her animal communicator, Reiki, her experience with Jesus and mine as well as my work.  I gave her the Happy 11:11! wristband I was wearing and when we parted ways... she hugged me - and I hugged her back.

Funny thing was...  when I went out to run my errands, I kept getting delayed - when I went to close the garage door, an extension cord had mysteriously moved so the door wouldn't close.  Then I had to go to two different Walgreens instead of one so it was at least thirty minutes later when I arrived at Samantha's.

Why was I delayed?  Because my new friend wasn't there yet and she had a very important mission.  She was going to ask me if I have a tumor in my face and I was going to realize just how far I've come in accepting and loving me.

Most of us have things about our physical appearance that we would change.  The lingering, life time affects of Rombergs is one of the reasons I freaked out so much when Jesus told me ten years ago of the public work I would be doing through the Soul Kisses website.  Now it all simply "is" and life is good. 

Good or bad life experiences are of judgment - a perspective if you will - my perspective for me - your perspective for you.  It is how we "see" things that define who we are.  I've been given wonderful tools these past years to help me shift my perspective of how the worlds "sees" me from the pain of being a "victim" to listening with an open heart to the love that may be behind the questions.  

...and I am grateful.

The energies that are sweeping our planet are in full support of acceptance, nonjudgment and unconditional love - healing in all forms.  You have the power to tap into the God Part within you to heal the pain of this lifetime as well as past lifetimes.  Ask your angels for their help to light your way and open your heart to all the joy life has to offer.

In love and light,

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Remember Who You Are - The Guidance is REAL

In the last newsletter article, John Denver wouldn't Stop Singing!, I shared with you how he came to me from spirit and shared human guidance for the spiritual work of my life path.  Many of you have written to me and shared your connection with him and with others since their physical bodies died.  

Many of you wrote, thanking me for the "validation."  I want to hank you for sharing with me and for opening your heart to the possibility that surrounds you.  

If you're like me, at times it hasn't been easy, opening your heart to the possibility of spiritual beings that we cannot "see" communicating with us and sharing that information with others.  You've probably experienced the "hush of dinner conversation" when you mention getting a message from a deceased relative.  Or maybe it's just me whose heart speaks without consulting my brain, silencing a room to the point of being able to hear a "pin drop" - or is that so quiet you can hear the "rustle of angel wings?"

This is what this exciting time of transformation and ascension is all about!  Expanding our awareness to "remember who we are" and dissolve the illusion of fear that haunts our planet.  As we individually tap into that remembering our light illuminates the shadows of darkness and they cease to exist.

We step into our power as the creators of our reality and consciously choose to live lives of joy, love and light - our reality becomes... our heaven... on earth...

The guidance of our angels, guides, teachers - our angelic crowd is real.  And sometimes that includes the spiritual essence of people that are known to the human population as "celebrities."   It simply IS.

It is time to "remember" who you are.

Tools to help you connect with your angelic crowd:
* Breathing deeply and focusing on your heart with the intention to open your heart to the possibility...
* Meditation
* Journaling
* Angelspeake, book by Trudy Griswold and Barbara Mark
Power of Two Spiritual Coaching
* 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels
* Communicating with Your Angels self study class

Remembering who you are is easy...  It is the releasing of limiting beliefs that is hard, when we choose it to be...

In love and light,

PS - join us tonight as Margaret Churchill joins me on the Spiritual Whispers Radio show to talk about her connection with John Denver and his continued guidance from the angelic realm - click reply and email me if you have a question that we can answer on the show!  Click the Blogtalk icon on the right and set a reminder for the show - see you there!

John Denver wouldn't Stop Singing!

On a rainy afternoon during the summer of 2001 I sat down with my journal and wrote to Jesus.  We talked about the Soul Kisses website and the work he wanted me to do.  He told me that in the coming years I would be writing, teaching. coaching, and sharing tools to help make the lives of others easier.

I told him He was talking to the wrong person.  The Soul Kisses website was a cornucopia of recommendations of the work of others not my work.  I was not teaching or coaching.  I had lived a life of hiccups, pain, despair and fear.  How was I going to help others?

It was then that He told me that all the hiccups, pain, despair and fear that I had experienced is what would give me credibility to help others. That made sense and Thank GOD there was a reason for all of it!  So I said, "Okay."

Then Fred and I had dinner and I told him about my meeting with Jesus and what He said.  It was then that the claws of doubt latched on to me and I took a nosedive into fear.  There was no way I could coach someone else or teach!

I went to bed that night totally freaked out.  Not long after I fell asleep, I woke up to the sound of John Denver loudly singing Rocky Mountain High.  The more I tried to ignore the singing, the louder it got.  So finally I got up and picked up my journal and asked him why the heck was he singing SO LOUD in the middle of the night?

He thanked me for getting up, and then he said: 

Jesus came to me when I was a young man and spoke with me like He spoke with you.  He told me I would help people through my music and my work.  Like you, I got scared.  There were times that the enormity of my life path of the physical world was overwhelming, just like you're feeling. 

Then I would sit in nature and look at the mountains and breathe in deeply and something would shift inside of me - the fear would go away and I would know that I was fully supported as you will be in all that Jesus has asked you to do.

I wrote and sang songs to try to reach as many people as I could with tools I was given to help them deal with life on earth.  You know "Rocky Mountain High" means something!  God is in the breath you take - the high is the wisdom of God!  Breathe deeply and you'll find Him, you'll know and understand your life path and His guidance.  Know that in God, you are truly limitless!  There are legions of angels to help you - you're never alone!

I know how scary it can be to step into working with God.  Know that I'm here to help you. 

I thanked him for his support and he left.  Now, ten years later I remember that first conversation with him as clearly as if it were five minutes ago.

Through the years I've met others that John has visited in spirit form to help with their life work.  On this Thursday's Spiritual Whispers radio program Margaret Churchill of will be joining us to share how John Denver has influenced her work and her life.  Click here to set a reminder to listen in!  

If you've experienced someone in spirit coming to you to help you, but you're not sure, please email your questions and we will discuss them live on Thursday's show.  We will offer free mini angel readings at the end of the show so call in early before the phone lines fill up.

Open your heart to the knowing within that you are fully supported in fulfilling the dreams of your heart.  Remember you have a multitude of angels, guides and teachers to help you in every moment of your existence and YOU are a powerful, limitless, spiritual being!  

Tools to help you connect with your angelic crowd:
* Meditation
* Journaling
Power of Two Spiritual Coaching
* 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels
* Communicating with Your Angels self study class 

Have you consciously talked to your angels, guides or teachers today?

In love and light,

Mercury in Retrograde or...?

Mercury in Retrograde is in full swing and strange things are happening!  But... are the strange things that I'm personally experiencing and things others are experiencing due to Mercury in Retrograde or is it the energies of this time of transformation shifting our reality?

On Monday I shared with you how my mom's remote lowered the volume on her TV.  Later that day she left a drink sitting on the table beside the chair she was sitting in then when she returned to the room, the drink was on the window sill.  When my husband took a nap on the bed in my office I put my computer to "sleep" so it wouldn't disturb him.  While he was sleeping he heard someone call his name.  When he opened his eyes, no one was there, but whatever it was also "woke up"  my computer.  For those who have never used this feature, you must either shake the mouse or push a key on the keyboard to wake up the computer.

I firmly believe those of higher dimensions are reaching out from their dimension to ours making it easier for us as humans to connect and communicate with them, if we choose.

Tonight Kim Loftis will be joining me on the Spiritual Whispers Radio show.  We will be talking about these "out of our normal" range of experiences that are coming our way - and ways to use this time of spiritual shift to connect with your angels.  

I invite you to click reply to this message and share with us any questions you have about communicating with your angels or an experience outside your "normal" that you wish to share.  We will do our best to discuss everything we receive.  You may click here to set a reminder for the show that airs live at 7pm US Mountain time.  If you are unable to join us live, you may listen to the archived show any time.  Oh yes, and be sure to call in to get your free mini angel reading of what your angels want you to know today to help make your life easier!

I look forward to seeing tonight!
In love and light,