In the previous article: What Would Florence Do? I suggested the following Tools of Florence Scovel Shinn:
1. Hold others in the light of powerful master creators - not helpless victims.
2. Shift your energy from fear source to love source
3. Focus on what you truly desire - NOT what you don't have - words and thoughts are energy that create your life - use yours wisely!
Several people wrote to me and asked how does one "hold someone in the light of a Master Creator" and how does one "go about shifting the energy from fear to love? In this article I will address how to hold someone in the light of Powerful Master Creator and why.
We live in a world of duality and judgment. We continually judge decisions, actions, looks, etc of each other. This is "normal" existence of humans on Mother Earth. After completing our judgment process we hold each other in an energy ranging from helpless victim to powerful master creator.
1. Think of someone you see (judge) as a helpless victim and discern what the energy of helpless victim feels like.
2. Think of someone you see (judge) as confident, successful and prosperous and discern what the energy of confident, successful and prosperous feels like.
The judgment of "confident prosperous success" is of love source energy and holds the person in the "light of Powerful Master Creator." The judgment of "helpless victim" is of fear source energy.
What we must remember is that all things are energy - including our thoughts and how we "judge" others. We are as a microwave sending out energy as a ripple affect touching others.
When we hold others in the light of "Powerful Master Creators" they feel that energy and even if they are wallowing in the lower vibration of fear, the energy they receive from us can help them step into their power as a master creator to create the life they truly wish to live. When we hold them in the light of "helpless victim" they feel the sting of our fear based thoughts and shifting their own energy from fear to love source can be more difficult.
This is especially true of our children. They feel our judgment on them, both harmonious and inharmonious (good and bad). When we shift our energy within us from fear source to love source, we heal within ourselves and the ripple affect we send out to others through our thoughts bathes them in healing love.
Within the next few days I'll post information on how to "Shift Energy."
In the eyes of God we are all Powerful Master Creators successfully creating the lives that we live.
In the mean time, sit quietly and evaluate your thought patterns of judgment. Do you hold those you love in the light of Powerful Master Creators or do you see them as helpless victims?
How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as a Powerful Master Creator or do you see yourself as a helpless victim?
Tools with Kate and Florence Scovel Shinn:
Spiritual Counseling with Kate and The Council
Florence Scovel Shinn's Game of Life Unleashed Empowerment Self Study Class
Florence Scovel Shinn's Game of Life Unleashed Workbook
Florence Scovel Shinn's Game of Life and Complete Works
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1. Hold others in the light of powerful master creators - not helpless victims.
2. Shift your energy from fear source to love source
3. Focus on what you truly desire - NOT what you don't have - words and thoughts are energy that create your life - use yours wisely!
Several people wrote to me and asked how does one "hold someone in the light of a Master Creator" and how does one "go about shifting the energy from fear to love? In this article I will address how to hold someone in the light of Powerful Master Creator and why.
We live in a world of duality and judgment. We continually judge decisions, actions, looks, etc of each other. This is "normal" existence of humans on Mother Earth. After completing our judgment process we hold each other in an energy ranging from helpless victim to powerful master creator.
1. Think of someone you see (judge) as a helpless victim and discern what the energy of helpless victim feels like.
2. Think of someone you see (judge) as confident, successful and prosperous and discern what the energy of confident, successful and prosperous feels like.
The judgment of "confident prosperous success" is of love source energy and holds the person in the "light of Powerful Master Creator." The judgment of "helpless victim" is of fear source energy.
What we must remember is that all things are energy - including our thoughts and how we "judge" others. We are as a microwave sending out energy as a ripple affect touching others.
When we hold others in the light of "Powerful Master Creators" they feel that energy and even if they are wallowing in the lower vibration of fear, the energy they receive from us can help them step into their power as a master creator to create the life they truly wish to live. When we hold them in the light of "helpless victim" they feel the sting of our fear based thoughts and shifting their own energy from fear to love source can be more difficult.
This is especially true of our children. They feel our judgment on them, both harmonious and inharmonious (good and bad). When we shift our energy within us from fear source to love source, we heal within ourselves and the ripple affect we send out to others through our thoughts bathes them in healing love.
Within the next few days I'll post information on how to "Shift Energy."
In the eyes of God we are all Powerful Master Creators successfully creating the lives that we live.
In the mean time, sit quietly and evaluate your thought patterns of judgment. Do you hold those you love in the light of Powerful Master Creators or do you see them as helpless victims?
How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as a Powerful Master Creator or do you see yourself as a helpless victim?

Have you added yourself and loved ones to the Pray it Forward Prayer List?
Our gift to you: Daily Soul Kiss - a spiritual whisper of support in your inbox!